About Us
Speedbluk Logistics is the fastest growing solutions provider of
both road freight and contract logistics in Zimbabwe.

Drieftrack Marketing (Pvt) (Ltd) is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company which has its grass roots in retail business. It was established in 2015 with its major strength in the grocery business which saw it pushing large volumes of Huletts sugar amongst other fast-moving consumer goods. Dieftrack Marketing has since expanded its business and established a transport division which has created a competitive advantage over its competitors in both the retail and transport sectors.
The company has managed to increase its fleet size to cater for various customer needs and has established strong relationships with big companies such as Tongaat Hulett, PPC (cement company), Dairiboard Zimbabwe, Farm & City, Agri Foods, FSG only to mention a few. It has also gained a vast experience in transporting beyond the borders with countries such as Botswana, Mozambique Zambia, South Africa and Namibia.
By blending acquired skills in trucking logistics, we intend to establish ourselves as high achievers in the field of transportation and be a widely referenced and consulted authority in this industry.
Our mission is to provide a distinctive and unmatched quality in service as well as competitive pricing above all, be a reliable business partner.
- Time is of the essence in the transportation of goods
- Honestly, Integrity and uprightness is key in all our business dealings
- We value and remain focused on satisfying our clients and exceeding Customer needs
- We treasure human and capital resources

We provide end-to-end logistics and customised services to optimise and scale your supply chains.
We provide high levels of safety and security standards in all our warehouses. We’re happy to work with you in designing a warehousing solution that works for your business.
All our trucks are under eco tracker and enabling our fleet controll team to monitor the real-time movement of trucks and consignments.
Customs clearance
Shipments are cleared faster, easier and with less hassle. Whether you're exporting or importing, our experience will get your shipments cleared.

End to end Logistics
We have People, infrastructure, and resources to implement cost effective solutions for Road Transport, Contract Logistics, Onsite Logistics, Insurance, Freight Forwarding and customs Clearance - enabling you to operate efficiently and successfully in the markets you serve.

Road Freight
Your shipments are very valuable to us. We transport offer a wide range of solutions from single shipment, a few pallets or multiple full loads every week, we know how to handle your cargo.
When you need to move cargo locally or across SADC, we can always find space. With traffic hubs strategically located within the region the cargo will be delivered wherever and whenever specified.
Local shipments and shipments within Zimbabwe can be completed within 24-48 hours. For destinations in SADC we offer delivery options within three to seven days no matter your destination.

Our Goals
Build relationships with clients continually gaining an understanding of the clients current as well as future requirements.
To understand, meet and exceed our customers’ expectations through perpetual improvement on our quality of services.
To form professional and mutually beneficial relationship with customers and all other stakeholders that encourage free flow of feedback on our services standards.
Corporate Governance
The Board and management are jointly responsible for managing and operating Dieftrack logistics business with the highest standards of responsibility, ethics and integrity. In that regard, the Board expects each member of the senior management to lead by example in a culture that emphasizes trust, integrity, honesty, judgement, respect, managerial courage and responsibility. Furthermore, the Board expects each member of the senior management to act ethically at all times and to adhere to the policies as well as the spirit expressed in Dieftrack logistics Code of Conduct. No waiver of the Code of Conduct for a director or executive shall be permitted without the approval of the Board. We have engaged a partner to help us with getting ISO certification and hope to join the elite class of Organisations working at world class standards and procedures.
SHEQ Policy

Our blueprint of transport and logistics services is anchored on Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Management Systems (SHEQMS) and continual improvement of service delivery. We are committed to environmental protection in our operation as well as preventing accidents, ill health and fatalities in the workplace. Through our growing legacy, we continually provide services that meet and exceed customer requirements. Our organization is driven by excellence in all aspects of operations and we are committed timeous, secure and efficient delivery of our customer’s products and goods. In line with our quest for quality excellence, we are committed to:
- Ensuring that we comply with legal and other requirements related to our operations
- Customer satisfaction and facilitating a one-stop shop of our customer’s transport and haulage needs
- Environmental protection throughout our operations and promoting life-cycle thinking
- Pollution prevention and minimizing the ecological footprint associated with transport and logistics services offered by our organization
- Prevention of accidents, ill health and fatalities in the work environment
- Conforming to the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Management Systems
- Ensuring that we comply with legal and other requirements related to our operations.
- Ensuring that our Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Policy is a framework for setting our objectives and targets
- Communicating the SHEQ Policy and raising awareness to our employees, contractors and other interested parties
- Continually improving our corporate performance and service delivery
- Periodically review the policy for continued suitability
Our Team
Meet some of our team members

Vimbai Mabhande
Operations Manager +263 73 626 4281
Moses K. Zuva
Operations +263717406785
Tawanda M Chibika
Operations +263773811609
Tonderai Masokota
Workshop Manager +263 77 880 6992301 Empowerment Way,
Willowvale, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 7832624281
+263 7832624282